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ERP — Supply Chain Management
Manage and Optimise your Global Supply Chain
Virtually every company that manages a modern supply chain will be doing so across multiple continents and time zones, but how do you do that with a single application? NetSuite’s manufacturing, distribution and supply chain management capabilities are all built on the premise that the physical location that a product is made or stored in should be irrelevant to your decision making process—it may add to your lead time, but we let you manage all with ease.
All in one solution
Supply Chain Management
Supply Management
Once demand trends have been evaluated and the plan created, the supply planning process kicks in to balance demand and supply by generating purchase, work and transfer orders based on the many settings found on the item record. Period of Supply, Lot for Lot and Fixed are amongst the methods used to determine the number and size of the orders generated, while also looking at consumption, time fence and reschedule in / out parameters.
Supply Chain Planning
Supply Chain Execution
Supply Chain Collaboration
Supply Chain Support
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